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Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Getreide auf einem Frachtschiff für den Export nach Indonesien. Corn being loaded on a buld cargo ship for export to Indonesia from the loading facilities of Caramuru in the port of Santos, the largest commercial port in Brazil. Soybean harvest was over in February in Mato Grosso, but grain transport infrastructure has not been able to keep up with expanding grain production. I was told that grain is not stored in Santos for more than a month, and grain prices triple between when they leave storage facilities in Mato Grosso and when they arrive her, due to high transportation costs, primarily done by truck. The ship Earnest Sky from Panama was being topped off with 81,750 metric tons of corn. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus Luftaufnahme: doppeltes Honorar! ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
Luftaufnahme - Doppeltes Honorar! ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, bei Frigorifico Itabom werden 18.000 Hühner pro Stunde verarbeitet, 144.000 am Tag oder 640 Millionen pro Jahr. Frigorifico Itabom processes 18,000 chickens per hour, 144,000 per day, or 640 million per year, and all are consumed in the São Paulo area (except for feet, cartilage, and wing tips which are exported). They have approx 2,000 employees in a family owned business founded 27 years ago. Itabom chickens are supplied by a network of local independent growers who get their chicks and feed from Itabom. It takes 4.5-5.0 kg of chicken feed to raise each chicken to slaughter weight of 2.7 kg over 45 days. Feed is 60% corn, 30% soy, and 10% other. Each 2.8 kg. live-weight chicken will result in 2.6 kg. sale weight (loss of blood, wings, excrement, but cleaned entrails included with shipment). 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Seara Hühnerzuchtanlagen, die den Schlachthof in der Nähe von Sidrolândia beliefern. Seara chicken growing facilities that supply the slaughterhouse near Sidrolandia (Mato Grosso do Sul) are all independently owned and managed, with Seara providing guidelines, chicks and food. Owners are paid according to amount of meat produced by each batch of chickens raised. Chicks arrive when only a few days old, and are kept until approx. 40 days old for males and 46 days for females, but times can differ as end buyer of Seara may want larger or smaller poultry. At the time this picture was taken, the chickens were 32 days old. After shipping to the slaughter house the chicken houses are disinfected and left idle for 15 days before receiving the next batch. Thus they have a new growing cycle every 60 days. The chickens are raised to an average weight of 2.75 kg., and the farm has 127,000 chickens per shed, and four sheds measuring 14x150 meters, with two sheds for males and two for females. All of the chickens on the farm are exactly the same age, and kept at preciese range of temperature (28°C), humidity and lighting, which are are carefully controlled to keep chickens isolated in optimal conditions for growth. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Seara Hühnerzuchtanlagen, die den Schlachthof in der Nähe von Sidrolândia beliefern. Seara chicken growing facilities that supply the slaughterhouse near Sidrolandia (Mato Grosso do Sul) are all independently owned and managed, with Seara providing guidelines, chicks and food. Owners are paid according to amount of meat produced by each batch of chickens raised. Chicks arrive when only a few days old, and are kept until approx. 40 days old for males and 46 days for females, but times can differ as end buyer of Seara may want larger or smaller poultry. At the time this picture was taken, the chickens were 32 days old. After shipping to the slaughter house the chicken houses are disinfected and left idle for 15 days before receiving the next batch. Thus they have a new growing cycle every 60 days. The chickens are raised to an average weight of 2.75 kg., and the farm has 127,000 chickens per shed, and four sheds measuring 14x150 meters, with two sheds for males and two for females. All of the chickens on the farm are exactly the same age, and kept at preciese range of temperature (28°C), humidity and lighting, which are are carefully controlled to keep chickens isolated in optimal conditions for growth. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Seara Hühnerschlachtanlage, in der Nähe Cidrolandia, exportiert rund 65% seiner Produktion nach Russland, China und Europa. Seara chicken slaughter facility near Cidrolandia exports approximately 65% of its production to Russia, China, and Europe. Seara was recently acquired by JBS, the Brazilian meat packing conglomerate that is partially (?) owned by Swift. They process 170,000 chickens per day, 3 million per month, and seem to run 24 hours/day. Most of their production is for export. All legs go boneless to Japan, wings go to China & HK, feet go to China and Africa, breasts 80% Europe, 20% Brazil, head and bones are meal powder for Brazilian animal feed., internal organs: liver to US for pet food, heart to Brazil for people food, etc. The plant employs 650 people per shift, and there are 350 people on then main cutting/sorting floor. The room where live chickens are hugh by their feet for slaughter was bathed in a strange dim blue light that they told me was to calm the chickens, but not a sanitary measure. Others in the food industry told me the UV light was probably to kill bacteria, etc. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Seara Hühnerschlachtanlage, in der Nähe Cidrolandia, exportiert rund 65% seiner Produktion nach Russland, China und Europa. Seara chicken slaughter facility near Cidrolandia exports approximately 65% of its production to Russia, China, and Europe. Seara was recently acquired by JBS, the Brazilian meat packing conglomerate that is partially (?) owned by Swift. They process 170,000 chickens per day, 3 million per month, and seem to run 24 hours/day. Most of their production is for export. All legs go boneless to Japan, wings go to China & HK, feet go to China and Africa, breasts 80% Europe, 20% Brazil, head and bones are meal powder for Brazilian animal feed., internal organs: liver to US for pet food, heart to Brazil for people food, etc. The plant employs 650 people per shift, and there are 350 people on then main cutting/sorting floor. The room where live chickens are hugh by their feet for slaughter was bathed in a strange dim blue light that they told me was to calm the chickens, but not a sanitary measure. Others in the food industry told me the UV light was probably to kill bacteria, etc. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Mitarbeiter essen in der Kantine, Seara Hühnerschlachtanlage, in der Nähe Cidrolandia, exportiert rund 65% seiner Produktion nach Russland, China und Europa. Employee Seara chicken slaughter facility near Cidrolandia exports approximately 65% of its production to Russia, China, and Europe. Seara was recently acquired by JBS, the Brazilian meat packing conglomerate that is partially (?) owned by Swift. They process 170,000 chickens per day, 3 million per month, and seem to run 24 hours/day. Most of their production is for export. All legs go boneless to Japan, wings go to China & HK, feet go to China and Africa, breasts 80% Europe, 20% Brazil, head and bones are meal powder for Brazilian animal feed., internal organs: liver to US for pet food, heart to Brazil for people food, etc. The plant employs 650 people per shift, and there are 350 people on then main cutting/sorting floor. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, größte Rinderschlachtanlage in Lateinamerika, hier können 240 Rinder pro Stunde getötet und verarbeitet werden. Largest cattle slaughter facility in Latin America, with a double-feed single line that can kill and process 240 cattle per hour, turning them into various beef products ranging from steaks, to hamburger (for McDonalds) to ground hoofs and bones for animal food. Different beef parts are sent to various countries. Average annual production is 900,000. I was told by my guide, a 28 y.o. veterinarian named Debra, that 90% of their product is for export, but not able to get verification as plant manager was absent when my visit was over. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, größte Rinderschlachtanlage in Lateinamerika, hier können 240 Rinder pro Stunde getötet und verarbeitet werden. Largest cattle slaughter facility in Latin America, with a double-feed single line that can kill and process 240 cattle per hour, turning them into various beef products ranging from steaks, to hamburger (for McDonalds) to ground hoofs and bones for animal food. Different beef parts are sent to various countries. Average annual production is 900,000. I was told by my guide, a 28 y.o. veterinarian named Debra, that 90% of their product is for export, but not able to get verification as plant manager was absent when my visit was over. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, größte Rinderschlachtanlage in Lateinamerika, hier können 240 Rinder pro Stunde getötet und verarbeitet werden. Hamburger Produktion für McDonalds. Largest cattle slaughter facility in Latin America, with a double-feed single line that can kill and process 240 cattle per hour, turning them into various beef products ranging from steaks, to hamburger (for McDonalds) to ground hoofs and bones for animal food. Different beef parts are sent to various countries. Average annual production is 900,000. I was told by my guide, a 28 y.o. veterinarian named Debra, that 90% of their product is for export, but not able to get verification as plant manager was absent when my visit was over. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, größte Rinderschlachtanlage in Lateinamerika, hier können 240 Rinder pro Stunde getötet und verarbeitet werden. Largest cattle slaughter facility in Latin America, with a double-feed single line that can kill and process 240 cattle per hour, turning them into various beef products ranging from steaks, to hamburger (for McDonalds) to ground hoofs and bones for animal food. Different beef parts are sent to various countries. Average annual production is 900,000. I was told by my guide, a 28 y.o. veterinarian named Debra, that 90% of their product is for export, but not able to get verification as plant manager was absent when my visit was over. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, größte Rinderschlachtanlage in Lateinamerika, hier können 240 Rinder pro Stunde getötet und verarbeitet werden. Largest cattle slaughter facility in Latin America, with a double-feed single line that can kill and process 240 cattle per hour, turning them into various beef products ranging from steaks, to hamburger (for McDonalds) to ground hoofs and bones for animal food. Different beef parts are sent to various countries. Average annual production is 900,000. I was told by my guide, a 28 y.o. veterinarian named Debra, that 90% of their product is for export, but not able to get verification as plant manager was absent when my visit was over. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Granja Mantiqueira, größte Eierfarm in Lateinamerika, produziert am Tag 2,7 Millionen von 4 Millionen Hennen. Largest egg farm in Latin America, Granja Mantiqueira, produces 2.7 million eggs a day from 4 million hens. They start laying eggs at 110 days and have about 95 weeks of productivity before being shipped to the slaughterhouse. 26 hens share a small cage, and are given unlimited supply of food and water. Food is 80-85% corn meal, with some soy, calcario (lime for egg shell development) and meat powder. The facility is highly automated, with food, water, and humidity controlled automatically, as is the removal of eggs and excrement. The eggs roll down the floor of the cages to a conveyor belt that delivers them to an egg elevator connecting all six levels of hens, and then eggs are rolled to another conveyor system that takes them hundreds of meters to the sorting, cleaning, and packaging building. The plant is located in a rural part of Mato Grosso as there is an abundant supply of cheap corn meal here. At this time all of their production is for the Brazil market. From here the aging hens are shipped 1300 km to a poultry slaughterhouse near São Paulo. The Egg Farm Manager explained that the biggest egg producer in the world in probably Rose Farm (apron 3x MG production) in the USA. In Europe all egg producers are now required to keep chickens in enclosures that allow more movement, a program that he called "happy chickens", but this raises egg costs through the cost of labor and facilities, and is not required in Brazil. In years when economics have allowed export, they have produced brown eggs for the African and Portuguese market (brown chickens, not white), white yolks for Japan (less corn, more millet in food), and put hatch date-stamp on each egg for sale in the Middle East. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, auf der Schweinefarm Lucion werden Schweine markiert, die zum Schlachthaus gebracht werden. Loading pigs for the slaughter house at Lucion pig farm, some 30 minutes by car NE of Sorriso. The farm produces 980 pigs to slaughter per day (the slaughter house is run by the Lucion subsidiary Nutribras, which process 1300 pigs per day, with some purchases from other farms.) Locally grown corn and soy beans comprise 82% of the diet, with augmentation of vitamins, etc.. All of the pig excrement is used for fertilizing the fields that feed the pigs, and provides methane to run much of the machinery. They also extract soy bean oil to power their vehicles. Their pork is sold to multiple countries: China and Hong Kong take most internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, tongue, stomach, etc) Brazil takes face, ears, nose, ass, feet, and bacon Ukraine and Russia take ribs, back, legs, and hams Pigs have 160 days to grow from birth to slaughter, and are slaughtered at 120kg live weight, of which 88kg is meat and skeleton. Each 120kg animal consumes 280kg of feed and 2,000 liters of water over it's short lifetime. Mato Grosso grown corn and soy beans are the world's cheapest, and local cost is only R$208 (approx $90.00) per animal. They also have a relatively diseases free dry environment, and plenty of land to isolate the farm from transmitted diseases. The farm breeds pigs that are a mixture of four varieties: Large White, Landrace, Duroc, and Pietran. Sows have 12-13 piglets per liter, they nurse for 25 days, and are ready for breeding 5 days after that. Gestation is 115 days. They spend the first 30 days of pregnancy in pen/confinement. Then days 31-110 in a large maternity pen with other pregnant females where they feed themselves in an automated chute that reads a chip implanted in their ear an gives each one only a certain amount of food and water per day but no more, so that they are not too heavy and are in perfect condition for nurturing their young. They are put back into confinement/pen for delivery. They pens are designed so that the heavy sows don't accidentally crush their young, and have steady access to food and water. While I was there, the sows spent most of their time lying on their sides, but could get up on their feet at will. Lucion adheres to European standards for pig raising, which requite a 30 day period during each maternal cycle when the pigs can walk about freely, but most of them were lying down anyway. The vet here had visited pig farms in Minnesota, and told me that the sows he saw there (a JBS/Swift facility) were permanently confined to pens for their entire breeding lives. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, auf der Schweinefarm Lucion. Loading pigs for the slaughter house at Lucion pig farm, some 30 minutes by car NE of Sorriso. The farm produces 980 pigs to slaughter per day (the slaughter house is run by the Lucion subsidiary Nutribras, which process 1300 pigs per day, with some purchases from other farms.) Locally grown corn and soy beans comprise 82% of the diet, with augmentation of vitamins, etc.. All of the pig excrement is used for fertilizing the fields that feed the pigs, and provides methane to run much of the machinery. They also extract soy bean oil to power their vehicles. Their pork is sold to multiple countries: China and Hong Kong take most internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, tongue, stomach, etc) Brazil takes face, ears, nose, ass, feet, and bacon Ukraine and Russia take ribs, back, legs, and hams Pigs have 160 days to grow from birth to slaughter, and are slaughtered at 120kg live weight, of which 88kg is meat and skeleton. Each 120kg animal consumes 280kg of feed and 2,000 liters of water over it's short lifetime. Mato Grosso grown corn and soy beans are the world's cheapest, and local cost is only R$208 (approx $90.00) per animal. They also have a relatively diseases free dry environment, and plenty of land to isolate the farm from transmitted diseases. The farm breeds pigs that are a mixture of four varieties: Large White, Landrace, Duroc, and Pietran. Sows have 12-13 piglets per liter, they nurse for 25 days, and are ready for breeding 5 days after that. Gestation is 115 days. They spend the first 30 days of pregnancy in pen/confinement. Then days 31-110 in a large maternity pen with other pregnant females where they feed themselves in an automated chute that reads a chip implanted in their ear an gives each one only a certain amount of food and water per day but no more, so that they are not too heavy and are in perfect condition for nurturing their young. They are put back into confinement/pen for delivery. They pens are designed so that the heavy sows don't accidentally crush their young, and have steady access to food and water. While I was there, the sows spent most of their time lying on their sides, but could get up on their feet at will. Lucion adheres to European standards for pig raising, which requite a 30 day period during each maternal cycle when the pigs can walk about freely, but most of them were lying down anyway. The vet here had visited pig farms in Minnesota, and told me that the sows he saw there (a JBS/Swift facility) were permanently confined to pens for their entire breeding lives. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, auf der Schweinefarm Lucion. Loading pigs for the slaughter house at Lucion pig farm, some 30 minutes by car NE of Sorriso. The farm produces 980 pigs to slaughter per day (the slaughter house is run by the Lucion subsidiary Nutribras, which process 1300 pigs per day, with some purchases from other farms.) Locally grown corn and soy beans comprise 82% of the diet, with augmentation of vitamins, etc.. All of the pig excrement is used for fertilizing the fields that feed the pigs, and provides methane to run much of the machinery. They also extract soy bean oil to power their vehicles. Their pork is sold to multiple countries: China and Hong Kong take most internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, tongue, stomach, etc) Brazil takes face, ears, nose, ass, feet, and bacon Ukraine and Russia take ribs, back, legs, and hams Pigs have 160 days to grow from birth to slaughter, and are slaughtered at 120kg live weight, of which 88kg is meat and skeleton. Each 120kg animal consumes 280kg of feed and 2,000 liters of water over it's short lifetime. Mato Grosso grown corn and soy beans are the world's cheapest, and local cost is only R$208 (approx $90.00) per animal. They also have a relatively diseases free dry environment, and plenty of land to isolate the farm from transmitted diseases. The farm breeds pigs that are a mixture of four varieties: Large White, Landrace, Duroc, and Pietran. Sows have 12-13 piglets per liter, they nurse for 25 days, and are ready for breeding 5 days after that. Gestation is 115 days. They spend the first 30 days of pregnancy in pen/confinement. Then days 31-110 in a large maternity pen with other pregnant females where they feed themselves in an automated chute that reads a chip implanted in their ear an gives each one only a certain amount of food and water per day but no more, so that they are not too heavy and are in perfect condition for nurturing their young. They are put back into confinement/pen for delivery. They pens are designed so that the heavy sows don't accidentally crush their young, and have steady access to food and water. While I was there, the sows spent most of their time lying on their sides, but could get up on their feet at will. Lucion adheres to European standards for pig raising, which requite a 30 day period during each maternal cycle when the pigs can walk about freely, but most of them were lying down anyway. The vet here had visited pig farms in Minnesota, and told me that the sows he saw there (a JBS/Swift facility) were permanently confined to pens for their entire breeding lives. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Schweineschlachthaus Nutribras in Sorriso. Hier werden ca. 1300 Schweine pro Tag verarbeitet. Pig slaughter house of Nutribras in Sorriso. They raise and process all of their own pork, with an average of yield of 1,300 pigs per day. I was told that their pork is primarily for domestic consumption, but secondary cuts (feet, organs, ears, etc.) are exported to China. I was unable to confirm this with senior management. Sorriso is a new town with a booming agriculture business. The town was established only 30 years ago. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Schweineschlachthaus Nutribras in Sorriso. Hier werden ca. 1300 Schweine pro Tag verarbeitet. Pig slaughter house of Nutribras in Sorriso. They raise and process all of their own pork, with an average of yield of 1,300 pigs per day. I was told that their pork is primarily for domestic consumption, but secondary cuts (feet, organs, ears, etc.) are exported to China. I was unable to confirm this with senior management. Sorriso is a new town with a booming agriculture business. The town was established only 30 years ago. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Getreideberg wird neben den vollen Silos in Val Verde angehäuft. A small mountain of corn is piled up next to full silos at Val do Verde grain elevator in Sinop. As the amount of land under cultivation has increased in Mato Grosso, infrastructure for moving grain has not been able to keep up with production. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, gerodeter Regenwald wird jetzt als Ackerland für den Anbau von Mais und Soja genutzt. Photograph taken on a morning flight east from Sinop, an area that less than thirty years ago was virgin forest. It is now being converted to farmland for growing corn and soy beans. In the dry season, burning is common practice for searing if not killing most trees. After felling the trees, the scortched wood is gathered into rows and piles for complete destruction, and then the ash is worked into the soil. This area is one of the most recent frontiers of clearing in Mato Grosso part of the Amazon. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, gerodeter Regenwald wird jetzt als Ackerland für den Anbau von Mais und Soja genutzt. Photograph taken on a morning flight east from Sinop, an area that less than thirty years ago was virgin forest. It is now being converted to farmland for growing corn and soy beans. In the dry season, burning is common practice for searing if not killing most trees. After felling the trees, the scortched wood is gathered into rows and piles for complete destruction, and then the ash is worked into the soil. This area is one of the most recent frontiers of clearing in Mato Grosso part of the Amazon. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, LKW Stau vor dem Getreidelager. Traffic jam of grain hauling trucks at a grain storage facilty between Sorrriso and Lucas do Rio Verde, an area that less than thirty years ago was virgin forest is now dominated by soybean farms and animal feedlots. The quantity of grain produced in this area has increased faster than the growth of infrastrcuture to take it to market. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Lebensmittelindustrie, Schweinefarm, Seis Amigos pig farm, one hour drive west of Sorrriso, an area that less than thirty years ago was virgin forest is now dominated by soybean farms and animal feedlots. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, kürzlich gerodeter Regenwald wird nun in Weideland umgewandelt. Recently clearded forest is being converted into grazing land for cattle between Novo Progresso to Guaranta do Norte in Pará. During the dry season fires are set to burn rainforest for agricultural development. Pictures were taken along highway BR163 which is one of the main routes for exporting grain and other products from Central Brazil to the port of Santarém on the Amazon. This section of the highway is dominated mostly by timber operations and small-scale cattle ranches. The government has been enforcing laws to protect the rainforest and cracking down on people trying to grab a piece of the Amazon for free. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, KC Fazenda, eine Farm im Regenwald. KC Fazenda, a farm cut from the Amazon rain forest some 50 miles SE of Santarem. The fields were planted in corn, (soy bean fields are currently fallow) and all that was left of the forest is brazil nut trees, which are illegal to kill under national law. These brazil nut trees are unlikely to live very long without the other trees to keep moisture adn nutrients in the soil. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Landwirtschaft, ein Schiff auf dem Tapajos Fluss fährt bis nach Itaituba. A local riverboat working its way up the Tapajós River to Itaituba. This area of Para State is undergoing rapid conversion from primary forest to farms and cattle ranches, and a major export terminal is being built near Itatuba to handle ocean going vessels for timber and grain exports. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, von der Regierung neu gebaute Wohnsiedlung am Stadtrand .von Itaituba. New government-built housing development for the lower and middle class on the outskirts of Itaituba. As people flood to the Amazon for work, there is a housing shortage. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, kürzlich gerodeter Regenwald wird nun in Weideland umgewandelt. Recently cleared section of primary forest being convereted into farms and cattle ranches near Itaituba, on the Tapajós River, Para State, Brazil. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
Südamerika, Brasilien, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Cargill's Getreidelager, Inside the main warehouse of Cargill's grain loading operations at Santarém, a port city on the south bank of the Amazon, some 600 km up river from the sea. The grain loading facility temporarily holds corn and soy beans from trucks and river barges before loading bulk carriers for international shipment. The main warehouse holds 60,000 tons of grain. At this time of year the facility was only handling corn, which was coming primarily from Mato Grosso via Rondonia Province, as the port at Santos has not been able to keep up with the growth of grain exports. In 2012 Cargill Santarém shipped 380,000 tons of corn and 1,100,000 tons of soy beans. This year projections are for 560,000 tons of corn and 1,200,000 tons of soy beans. 97% of the soy exports go to Europe (Holland and UK), while corn goes to USA, Mexico, and Japan. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Brooklyn, Dachfarm der Brooklyn Grange. Rooftop farm of Brooklyn Grange in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, a 65,000 sq. ft. rofftop farm atop an 11 story building . First planted in spring 2012, the Brooklyn Grange has three full-time and two part-time emlpoyees and three dozen trainees. Primary crops are salad greens: lettuce, arrugula, mizuna, as well as kale, swiss chard, basil, parsley, tomatoes, and peppers. Soil is 10-12 inches deep, and called "roof-lite intensive ag" soil. All of their production is consumed in New York City, 85-90% within 3 miles of the farm. They also get income from events (weddings, photo-shoots, corporate functions), installations, and consulting for other rooftop farms, but farming is 2/3 of thier income. They earn approx $5-6/sq. ft. on crops that are drip-irrigated as necessary. Annual production is approx 50,000 lbs . of vegetables between their two facilities (they also have a 43,000 sq. ft. farm on another roof in Long Island City). 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Kornkreis bei Ingalls, Kansas. Weizen umrundet mit Mais. Crop circle 3.8 miles NE of Ingalls Kansas, with wheat surrounded by corn. Intensive use of the Ogalala Aquifer has caused water levels to drop and local farmers are limited in the amount of water they are allowed to pump. By making the plantings in a circle, water from one source can be efficiently allotted to different crops at different times of year to comply with water rationing. The landscape is rapidly becoming punctuated by windmills as the local power company offers landowners a share of revenue. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Kornkreis bei Ingalls, Kansas. Weizen umrundet mit Mais. Crop circle 3.8 miles NE of Ingalls Kansas, with wheat surrounded by corn. Intensive use of the Ogalala Aquifer has caused water levels to drop and local farmers are limited in the amount of water they are allowed to pump. By making the plantings in a circle, water from one source can be efficiently allotted to different crops at different times of year to comply with water rationing. The landscape is rapidly becoming punctuated by windmills as the local power company offers landowners a share of revenue. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Weizenernte, Vulgamore Family Farm südlich von Scott City, Kansas. Combines harvesting dry land wheat on the Vulgamore Family Farm just south of Scott City, Kansas. The Vulgamores have been farming this area for five generations, and have one of the largest farms in the county. The wheat harvest last about two weeks, and starts at 7AM with servicing the combines, and usually continues non-stop until 11PM. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Weizenernte, Vulgamore Family Farm südlich von Scott City, Kansas. Combines harvesting dry land wheat on the Vulgamore Family Farm just south of Scott City, Kansas. The Vulgamores have been farming this area for five generations, and have one of the largest farms in the county. The wheat harvest last about two weeks, and starts at 7AM with servicing the combines, and usually continues non-stop until 11PM. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Getreidelager, Kirk Grain & Co. Grain storage and truck scales are located adjacent to the railroad line in Scott City, Kansas. The wheat harvest last about two weeks in late July, and starts at 7AM with servicing the combines, and usually continues non-stop until 11PM. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Weizenernte, Vulgamore Family Farm südlich von Scott City, Kansas. Combines harvesting dry land wheat on the Vulgamore Family Farm just south of Scott City, Kansas. The Vulgamores have been farming this area for five generations, and have one of the largest farms in the county. The wheat harvest last about two weeks, and starts at 7AM with servicing the combines, and usually continues non-stop until 11PM. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Kornkreise, Brookover Ranch Feedyard. Brookover Ranch Feedyard, just across the Arkansas River from Garden City, Kansas, with adjacent center-pivot crop circles used to fatten their cattle. Note: I was arrested by the county sherif immediately landing as the feedlot manager was upset that I didn't have permission to be taking aerial photos of their property. Their is no regulation against it, so he had be arrested for criminal trespassing, and my assistant and I spent five hours in the county jail before I was allowed to post $540 bond for the two of us and to pay $250 for having our rental car towed from my landing spot (not on their property) to the sherif's garage. We were stripped of all personal possessions and put in a cell. I am supposed to return in three weeks to face a judge for the misdemeanor trespass infraction. There were no gates opened or keep out signs posted. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Kornkreise und weidende Rinder, Brookover Ranch Feedyard. Brookover Ranch Feedyard, just across the Arkansas River from Garden City, Kansas, with adjacent center-pivot crop circles used to fatten their cattle. Note: I was arrested by the county sherif immediately landing as the feedlot manager was upset that I didn't have permission to be taking aerial photos of their property. Their is no regulation against it, so he had be arrested for criminal trespassing, and my assistant and I spent five hours in the county jail before I was allowed to post $540 bond for the two of us and to pay $250 for having our rental car towed from my landing spot (not on their property) to the sherif's garage. We were stripped of all personal possessions and put in a cell. I am supposed to return in three weeks to face a judge for the misdemeanor trespass infraction. There were no gates opened or keep out signs posted. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, weidende Rinder, Brookover Ranch Feedyard. Brookover Ranch Feedyard, just across the Arkansas River from Garden City, Kansas, with adjacent center-pivot crop circles used to fatten their cattle. Note: I was arrested by the county sherif immediately landing as the feedlot manager was upset that I didn't have permission to be taking aerial photos of their property. Their is no regulation against it, so he had be arrested for criminal trespassing, and my assistant and I spent five hours in the county jail before I was allowed to post $540 bond for the two of us and to pay $250 for having our rental car towed from my landing spot (not on their property) to the sherif's garage. We were stripped of all personal possessions and put in a cell. I am supposed to return in three weeks to face a judge for the misdemeanor trespass infraction. There were no gates opened or keep out signs posted. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Parker Vulgamore (12) säubert die Scheiben des Mähdreschers, Vulgamore Farm. Parker Vulgamore, 12, helps service the six harvesting combines on the Vulgamore Family Farm.Parker is the fifth generation in the family to be working this area of dry land farms in near Scott City, Kansas. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Amerikas größter Landmaschinen Schrottplatz westlich von Abilene. America's largest grain farm machinery salvage yard just west of Abilene. The harvesting combines were organized by brand for easier salvaging. There are companies with more extensive inventory, but this is the largest single-site farm salvage yard in the USA. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
Extreme Farming
USA, Amerika, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, das weltweit größte Getreidesilo in Hutchinson, Kansas wurde hier in den 1950er Jahren gebaut. World's largest grain elevator in Hutchinson, Kansas was built here during the 1950s when the US government paid people to store grain. Theere is more grain capacity in Hutchinson and other towns in the Central Kansas wheat belt than is needed in all but bumper crop years. 2013. © 2014 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
USA, Amerika, Research Triangle Park, Ernährung, genetische Experimente im Forschungslabor von Monsanto. Vertical view of plants undergoing genetic experiments at Monsanto's research lab in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The facility includes automated greenhouses that move plants daily via conveyor belt through a laboratory that analyzes each plant for growth and gives them individually measured amounts of water and nutrients. The analysis includes a photo booth where each plant is photographed from two different lateral angles and from above in both daylight and ultraviolet wavelengths. Different strains of corn and soybean plants are tested for traits that will allow them to maximize productivity with minimal amounts of water and nutrients, among other factors. The plants are then returned to a new location in the greenhouse to avoid any possible differences in sunlight, temperature, or shading by adjacent plants and make the results more repeatable. The most successful plant strains will then get further testing and refinement to develop commercial seed products that increase crop yields in real-world growing conditions. 2013. © 2016 George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus ACHTUNG - doppeltes Honorar!
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© George Steinmetz / Agentur Focus
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