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Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Die "Tanzanian Albino Society" behauptet, dass u.a. Geschäftsmänner und Politiker als häufige Kunden von Albino Körperteilen gelten. Sie wollen durch die angebliche Zauberkraft und das Glück, dass die Köperteile bringen sollen, ihren Erfolg zu verbessern. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Business district in the centre of Dar es Salaam. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Geschäftsviertel im Zentrum von Dar es Salaam. Die "Tanzanian Albino Society" behauptet, dass u.a. Geschäftsmänner und Politiker als häufige Kunden von Albino Körperteilen gelten. Sie wollen durch die angebliche Zauberkraft und das Glück, dass die Köperteile bringen sollen, ihren Erfolg zu verbessern. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Business district in the centre of Dar es Salaam. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Schlangenhaut, Schlangenknochen, Wildschweinzähne, Hundeschädel und Wurzeln. Angebot eines Händlers auf dem Markt für Medizinmänner. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Snake skin and bones, wildpig thooth, dogskull and roots are offered at a wichdoctor market in Dar Es Salaam. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mann bettelt einen Autofaher an. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Man begging for money in the city of Dar es Salaam. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mann vor einer LG Werbung. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Man walking by an Ad in the city of Dar es Salaam. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Coca Cola Werbung in der Stadt. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Ad in the city of Dar es Salaam. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Mwanza, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Yohana Fimbo (72) zeigt das geheime Grab seiner Enkeltocher mit Albinismus Mariamu Emmanuel (5). Menschen mit Albinismus werden im eigenen Haus begraben ohne eine Zeremonie oder Grabstein, damit das Grab vor Grabräubern verschont bleibt. In diesem Fall wurde das Haus zerstört, aber das Grab ist noch an der selben Stelle. Mwanza region, Tanzania. Yohana Fimbo (72) showing the secret burrial site of his albino granddaughter Mariamu Emmanuel (5). People with albinism are burried inside the own house without any ceremony or visual signs of the grave. This secret tradition is because of grave robbers. In this case the house was destroyed, but the grave remained on the same spot. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. TAS (Tanzanian Albino Society) Aktivist Lazaro zeigt ein Foto eines Verbrechens. Man sieht ein verstümmeltes Opfer mit Albinismus. Shinyanga, Tanzania. TAS (Tanzanian Albino Society) activist Lazaro is showing crime scene photos of albino victims. In his office in Shinyanga. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. TAS (Tanzanian Albino Society) Aktivist Lazaro zeigt ein Foto eines Verbrechens. Man sieht ein verstümmeltes Opfer mit Albinismus. Shinyanga, Tanzania. TAS (Tanzanian Albino Society) activist Lazaro is showing crime scene photos of albino victims. In his office in Shinyanga. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Sophia Juma mit ihrer zwei Monate alten Tochter. Jumas ältere Tochter ist seit dem vergangenem Dezember verschwunden. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Sophia Juma mit ihrer zwei Monate alten Tochter. Jumas ältere Tochter ist seit dem vergangenem Dezember verschwunden. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Ndamhi, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Josephat Torner befragt Männer in Ndamhi. Im Dorf wurde kurz vor Weihnachten ein vierjähriges Mädchen mit Albinismus entführt. Die Männer beachten Torner kaum. Ndamhi, Kwimba district, Mwanza region, Tanzania. Josephat Torner questioning men in the village of Ndamhi. Since December 2014 a girl with albinism is missing from that area. Josephat Torner (32) is activist for the human rights of people with albinism. He is also executive director of the "Tanzanian Albino Society". People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, in der Nähe von Ndamhi, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mann wartet vor einem Haus bis der Regenschauer vorbei ist. Seit Dezember 2014 wird ein Mädchen mit Albinismus aus dieser Region vermißt. Near Ndamhi, Kwimba district, Mwanza region, Tanzania. Man in front of his house waiting for the rain to stop. Since December 2014 a girl with albinism is missing from that area. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Mwanza, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Straßenszene im zentrum von Mwanza. Mwanza, Tanzania. Streetscene in the centre of Mwanza. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Mwanza, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Straßenszene im Zentrum von Mwanza. Mwanza, Tanzania. Streetscene in the centre of Mwanza. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. KInder mit Albinismus warten in der Buhangija Einrichtung auf ihr Mittagessen. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Children with albinism waiting in line for food in the centre of Buhangija. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people awith albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Der 29-jährige E. war 2009 Mittäter eines Überfalls auf einen Albino. E. wurde festgenommen, aber dann mangels Beweisen aus der Haft entlassen. Shinyanga, Tanzania. E. (29) participated in a albino attack of an albino girl in 2009 in Kahama, district Shinynga. He was eleased from prison due to lack of evidence. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Kinder spielen in der Buhangija Einrichtung, wo sie Zuflucht finden können. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Children playing in the centre of Buhangija. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people awith albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Der 15-jährige Ramadhani schaut aus dem Fenster in der Buhangija Einrichtung, in der Kinder mit Albinismus Zuflucht finden können. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Ramadhani (15 years) looks out of a window. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people awith albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Kinder gucken TV im Buhangija Center. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people awith albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Seit ihr im vergangenem Jahr der Arm abgehackt wurde, spricht die 14-jährige Pendo kaum noch ein Wort. In der Buhangija Einrichtung bekommt sie professionelle psychologische Hilfe und Unterstützung. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Pendo (14) lost her right arm in an attack in August 2014 and is living now in the centre. Since the attack she is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, but the centre is not able to provide her proffessional psychological help. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people with albinism. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Kinder spielen auf dem Spielplatz der Buhangija Einrichtung, in der Kinder mit Albinismus Zuflucht finden können. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Children playing in the centre of Buhangija. The centre is sorrounded by two meter high walls. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people with albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Zwei junge Frauen im gemeinsamen Schlafsaal in der Buhangija Einrichtung. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Two young women with albinism in their collective sleepnigroom in the centre of Buhangija. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people with albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Jungen spielen im gemeinsamen Schlafsaal in der Buhangija Einrichtung. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Boys with albinism are playing and talking in their collective sleepingroom in the centre of Buhangija. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people with albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kigoma Region, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Bus auf der Straße nach Kabanga. Kigoma region, Tanzania. Streetscene on the road to Kabanga. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that businessmen and politicians are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Peter Ajali Francis, Lehrer in der Buhangija Einrichtung, in der vor allem Kinder mit Albinismus Zuflucht finden können. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Peter Ajali Francis, head teacher of the Buhangija centre in Shinyanga in his office. Buhangija centre in Shinyanga is one of the largest safe haven for people with albinism in Tanzania. The centre protects 207 people (February 2015) with albinism, mainly children. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Mwanza, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Fischmarkt in Mwanza. Die "Tanzanian Albino Society" behauptet, dass u.a. Fischer als häufige Kunden von Albino Körperteilen gelten. Sie wollen durch die angebliche Zauberkraft und das Glück, dass die Köperteile bringen sollen, ihre Fangquoten erhöhen. Mwanza, Tanzania. Fishmarket in Mwanza. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that fishermen are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Josephat Torner (32) kämpt für die Rechte für Menschen mit Albinismus. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Josephat Torner (32) is activist for the human rights of people with albinism. He is also executive director of he "Tanzanian Albino Society" People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Mwanza, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mwanza, Tanzania. Poeple taking photographs at a statue of a Nile perch in the centre of Mwanza. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that fishermen are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Igombe, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Fischerdorf. Die "Tanzanian Albino Society" behauptet, dass u.a. Fischer als häufige Kunden von Albino Körperteilen gelten. Sie wollen durch die angebliche Zauberkraft und das Glück, dass die Köperteile bringen sollen, ihren Ertrag erhöhen. Igombe, Mwanza district, Tanzania. Fishing village igombe, near Mwanza in the northwest of Tanzania. The "Tanzanian Albino Society" claims that fishermen are one of the clients to use withcraft with albino bodyparts to increase their success. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. In der Albino Einrichtung Kabanga zählt die Polizei jeden Tag die Bewohner durch. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Albino centre Kabanga. Daily counting of the albino community by the police force from Kasulu, Kigoma region. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. In der Albino Einrichtung Kabanga zählt die Polizei jeden Tag die Bewohner durch. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Albino centre Kabanga. Daily counting of the albino community by the police force from Kasulu, Kigoma region. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. In der Albino Einrichtung Kabanga zählt die Polizei jeden Tag die Bewohner durch. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Albino centre Kabanga. Daily counting of the albino community by the police force from Kasulu, Kigoma region. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Kind mit Albinismus in der Kabanga Schule. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Child with albinism is running in the Kabanga camp. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Die 18-jährige, die alle nur Mama Jackson nennen, hat Albinismus. Ihr zweijähriger Sohn Jackson nicht. Beide sind an der Kabanga Schule untergebracht. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Mama Jackson (18) with her two year old son Jackson. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Kinder an der Kabanga Schule, einer Wohn- und Bildungseinrichtung für Albinos und Behinderte.Kabanga Schule für Menschen mit Albinismus und Behinderungen. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Ein Kind in der Kabanga Schule hält schützend vor der Sonne die Hand vors Gesicht. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mutter mit ihren Kindern in der Kabanga Schule. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mädchen spielt auf dem Hof der Kabanga Schule. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mutter cremt ihre Kinder mit Sonnenmilch ein, um die Haut zu schützen. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Mother is putting sunshield on her child. People with albinism mostly suffer from skincancer, due to a lack of Melanin. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mbalu John hat vier Kinder mit Albinismus, Kabanga Schule. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Mbalu John (27) has four albino children. The youngest one is 11 month old named Baraka (translation: bleesings) At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Ein blindes Mädchen spielt mit zwei Mädchen mit Albinismus in der Kabanga Schule für Menschen mit Albinismus und Behinderungen. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. A blind black girl is playing with two albino girls. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Mädchen in der Kabanga Schule für Menschen mit Albinismus und Behinderungen. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Peter Ash, CEO von Under The Same Sun (UTSS) NGO. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Peter Ash, Founder & CEO of Under The Same Sun (UTSS) NGO. UTSS mandate is to stop the stigma based attacks and killings of persons with albinism (PWA). UTSS is active at the UN and globally, especially in Tanzania. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries. 2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Schlafräume in der Kabanga Schule für Menschen mit Albinismus und Behinderungen. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Sleepingroom at the camp. At the Kabanga school for poeple with albinism and disabled people. The camp in western Tanzania is one of eleven across the country, who gives them shelter and education. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Albino United Fußball Team auf Platz beim Training. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Albino United Football team of Tanzania at trainingground in Dar es Salaam. The soccer team is the only one in the world of football. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Shinyanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Dieser Medizinmann aus Shinyanga empfahl, einen Albino-Arm in die Diamantenmine zu legen, um den Ertrag zu steigern. Shinyanga, Tanzania. Witchdoctor in Shinyanga after a ceremony. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Albinismus in Tansania
Afrika, Tansania, Kabanga, Albinismus, Albinos sind in Ostafrika Opfer eines tödlichen Aberglaubens. Sie werden verfolgt und verstümmelt - ihre Körperteile sollen Glück bringen. Sonntagsmesse in der katholischen Kirche von Kabanga. Unter den Besuchern sind auch ein paar Menschen mit Albinismus. Kabanga, Kigoma region, Tanzania. Sunday service in the catholic church of Kabanga. Some of the people with albinism are joining the service. They live in a camp nearby. People in Africa believe that using Albino body parts in witchcraft will increase their chances of financial success. Since 2006 people with albinism are being attacked and often killed to get their body parts for ritual ceremonies used by witchdoctors. Until now (February 2015) more than 150 documented attacks are recorded in Tanzania. Other african countries, such as Burundi and Kenya are facing a similar crime development, including cross-border trafficking of these body parts between those three countries.03/2015. © 2015 Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
Armin Smailovic / Agentur Focus
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